

Executive Committee

The role of the Executive Committee is to manage MUSES various working groups and committees, to establish communication between working groups, and to ensure that milestones and objectives are met across the MUSES community.

The principal investigator, Nicolas Yunes, will lead the Executive Committee and is joined by the 4 conveners of each working group.

Broader Impacts Committee

The role of the Broader Impacts Committee is to coordinate all of the broader impact activities of the collaboration. The Broader Impacts Committee organizes the annual workshop and public outreach.

Working Groups


The role of the Cyberinfastructure working group is to develop and maintain the webtools for the MUSES collaboration, develop the MUSES calculation engine, and provide coding and numerical algorithm support to the MUSES community. The Cyberinfastructure convener is Jacquelyn Noronha-Hostler who is joined by both the NCSA scientists and physicists in the working group.

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Equation of State: Heavy ions

The role of the Heavy-Ion working group is to develop modules that generate the equation of state relevant for heavy-ion collisions. The Heavy-Ion convener is Claudia Ratti who is joined by physicists developing the Lattice QCD, Holography, and Hadron Resonance Gas van der Waals EOS modules.

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Equation of State: Neutron Stars

The role of the Neutron Star working group is to develop modules that generate the equation of state relevant for neutron stars and neutron star mergers. The Neutron Star convener is Veronica Dexheimer who is joined by physicists developing the Chiral Mean Field, Quark-Hadron-Crossover, Chiral Effective Field Theory, and University of Tennessee Knoxville EOS modules.

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The role of the Users working group is to develop modules that produce transport coefficients, modules that connect to experimental observables, and modules that produced formatted output compatible with other external codes. The Users convener is Jorge Noronha who is joined by physicists developing the Mass-Radius, Tidal Deformability, I-Love-Q, Susceptibilities, Transport Coefficients, Partial Pressures, and Thermal Fits modules.

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